Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Indian Inspector General Of Police Caught Cheating During Examination

The Indian Government on Tuesday in New Delhi ordered a senior police officer in southern India, to proceed on indefinite leave after he was allegedly caught cheating in a law examination.

Ramesh Chennitala, Kerala State Home Minister, said TJ Jose, an Inspector General of Police, was found copying answers from pages torn from a textbook during the exam on Monday.

He said an inquiry had been ordered into the incident that he called “shameful” for police and the state.

Jose has denied the charges, and alleged a conspiracy against him.

He admitted that his superiors had called him to explain the incident.

According to a report, in March, more than 1,000 men were arrested in the eastern state of Bihar for using impersonators to take police recruitment tests.

“Same month, more than 300 people, mostly parents, were arrested in the state for helping children cheat and copy answers in school examinations.’’

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